- A nail on a horse. 马蹄铁上的钉子。
- I stood on a nail, and my foot's very sore. 我踩了一枚钉子,脚上感到很痛。
- He's scratched his hand on a nail. 他的手让钉子刮破了。
- A nail on the road punctured the tyre. 路上的钉子把车胎戳穿了。
- A nail on the road punctured my bike's front tire. 路上一根钉子刺破我的脚踏车前轮。
- A nail on the road puncutured the tyre. 路上的一个钉子把车胎刺破了。
- I tore my coat on a nail that was sticking out from a wall. 我的上衣被一枚从墙上突出来的钉子钩破了。
- He caught his coat on a nail projecting from the wall. 他的外套被墙上的一颗铁钉钩住了。
- They put a blindfold on a horse. 他们给马蒙上遮眼布。
- I was walking barefoot and stepped on a nail. 我赤脚走路,踩到了一根钉子。
- I bet three pounds on a horse running at twenty to one and won sixty pounds! 我用三镑压在赔率为二十比一的马上,结果赢了六十镑。
- She ran her silk stocking on a nail last night. 她昨天夜晚丝袜被钉子钩住,抽了丝。
- He hangs his coat on a nail behind the door. 他把外套挂在门后的一颗钉子上。
- I've never been on a horse before--well here goes! 我以前从未骑过马好吧,现在让我来试一下。
- No man told her that her skirt snagged on a nail. 没人告诉她,她的裙子钩在钉子上了。
- Pat looks better on a horse than no foot. 帕特骑在马上比步行更加神气。
- I can ride a bike,but I can not ride on a horse. 我能骑自行车,但我不能骑马。
- She scratched her elbow on a nail. 她给铁钉划伤了臂肘。
- Some cattle being driven by a man on a horse. 骑马人驱赶著的一群牛。
- I staked ten pence on a horse ,and it won . 我在一匹马身上压了10便士,而它居然赢了。